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We Live, but not by Bread alone

Man shall not live by bread alone

Matthew 4 verse 4 (kjv)

But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”.

The word “Man” in this context is generic; meaning: male, female, every person.

Man shall not live by bread alone

It is important to state that “bread” means food; a means of sustenance for the body. In-arguably, Jesus was saying here that you do not neglect your spiritual being while taking care of your body. “Bread” is food for the body while the “Word of God” is food for your soul and Spirit.

Bread sustains your physical life, but the Word of God sustains your spiritual life. Spiritual life is the actual life. You cannot be alive if you are not living by the word that’s proceeds from the mouth of God; it is His words that gives life. Any man living by the sustenance of bread alone is a dead man while still alive. He is a container devoid of content and therefore useless.

Some people just merely exist on this earth; they eat, drink and merry, and they follow this cycle repeatedly until time and years pass away. It is not the years in their life that matters but the life in their years. This life can only be received by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God

When I pondered on this verse, it reminded me that God is not a comedian. He doesn’t joke with His words. He means everything He says and says everything He mean. This is unlike man; as some of the words we say may be out of emotions which could affect how we express these words. “Every word’ referred to in the verse means every word in its entirety.

We must pay attention to every word that God is saying.

The word of God is our compass, it gives us succour.

The word of God us our strength, it keeps us going.

At every point in your life, you must be interested in what God is saying. If you are ignorant of what God is saying, most likely, you will listen to what the devil is saying. Many people swing into depression simply because they are not hearing the voice of God; the voice of God can be heard through His words (the bible).

The devil is the father of all lies; whatever he always has for men are pure lies. The devil paints a worst scenario of your present predicaments in other to blank out the hope of your future.

You might currently be sick, but that’s not your portion because the word of God says you are healed and will not die (Psalm 118 verse 17).

You might be having financial challenges but that’s not your end because the Lord shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4 verse 19).

You might be experiencing failures in your business or academic endeavours, but you will have good success.(Joshua 1 verse 8)

Every word that proceeds from God is true. God’s word is important, it must be taken seriously. We must not be selective in obeying the word of God because His words are equally important. Heaven and earth may pass way but the word of God stands sure and secured (Matthew 24 verse 35).

To live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, we must study the word of God because the word of the Lord is God’s mouth piece. We must have a listening ear and an attentive spirit. We must not be in the habit of rushing out of the presence of God. We must wait on God to hear what He is saying.

I want to assure you today that there is a word for your spouse, for your family, for your marriage, for your child, for your current situation/predicament. Do not live without the word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Once you receive the word that God is speaking to you, no other word will matter.

You may be among bullies who tear you apart with their words and make you lose your self-esteem. You might have been told severally that you are good for nothing and can’t make it, your abilities might have been questioned severally, your dreams and vision written off; permit me to ask you a question, whose words are you listening to? whose words cannot change and cannot fail?

Isaiah 53 verse 1 says “Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?”. Who have you believed?

John 14 verse 1 also says “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me”.

In every step you take, every move you make, seek to know and understand what God is saying and it shall be well with you in Jesus name.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

by Ndubuisi Paul Okafor.

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24 thoughts on “We Live, but not by Bread alone”

  1. Was just reading this passage in morning devotions and came upon it on your site too! God is emphasizing it to me. Loved these words you wrote: “I want to assure you today that there is a word for your spouse, for your family, for your marriage, for your child, for your current situation/predicament. Do not live without the word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Once you receive the word that God is speaking to you, no other word will matter.”

  2. This is such a beautiful reminder that man shall live by every word proceeded from God.

    Indeed, His word is life and truth.

    This was beautifully written. And I love this verse. Blessings to you.

  3. Such a great encouragement! I especially loved the reminder “ We must not be selective in obeying the word of God because His words are equally important.” So true and so important to remember!

  4. I love this phrase, “permit me to ask you a question, whose words are you listening to? whose words cannot change and cannot fail?” So much encouragement in this post to take the Word of God seriously – it is our bread – but to also wait and listen for what God has to say to us! Thank you.

  5. Ndubuisi, thank you for setting up the situations we live in and the truth of the word of God that confronts it. It felt shocking to me to read these lines in juxtaposition. Thank you.

  6. “We must not be in the habit of rushing out of the presence of God. We must wait on God to hear what He is saying.” Amen and amen! Great post – thanks for sharing about living by the Word of God. I’m encouraged by your words.

  7. Your post contains so many great points. We must eat and digest the word of God to feed our souls. The Bible is the bread of life. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love your statement that our “spiritual life is the actual life”. It reminds me of the quote from C.S. Lewis, “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body”. It’s a truth that we must maintain at the forefront of our minds. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of caring for our spiritual health.

  9. So good! I love how you said ” It is not the years in their life that matters but the life in their years. This life can only be received by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”
    It is really sad how some people are just passing the years away on this earth. Life is so precious and life is found in Jesus alone!
    Beautiful post sweet sister! Blessings to you and Merry Christmas!

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