Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (Micah 6 vs 8)

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Oh Yes, God Listens!

Oh Yes, God Listens! by Christiana Okafor

This post have been recalled and is currently published on Amazon Kindle as a Christian Short Story.

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20 thoughts on “Oh Yes, God Listens!”

  1. What a challenging and sobering message. I have come to see God as counselor and friend and desire to stay in intimate relationship with Him by seeking Him in prayer, basking in the light of His presence, and depending on His wisdom and strength for every decision I make and every breath I take. So sad, when we just barely get by in the Christian life…certainly not the vibrant and dependent walk the Lord had in mind for us!

  2. What a powerful post. Amen – God really does care, really does listen. God is EVERYTHING, more than a father or a friend, but that, too.

  3. Yes, He does, indeed, hear us.
    Yet, He does not always respond to our requests as we might want because He has a bigger picture in mind. That’s where trust comes in as we trust our good, good Father who knows what will work for our ultimate good.

  4. Seeing God as our father and really getting to know Him deeply we deepen and improve our relationship. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Very interesting read. So many different interpretations and it’s always interesting to see how people feel on this subject. Thanks for posting.

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