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The Gift of Newness

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Hello Fam! ?‍♂️

It’s been a while, I hope it isn’t too late to say a Happy New Year. It’s a year laced with recoveries and overtaking for you and me; Amen.

I believe you are familiar with the word “NEW”. The dictionary defines it as “Recently made or created, addition, recently discovered, refreshed, reinvigorated, reformed, new-born etc.

The word “NEW “brings hope.

It establishes light

It announces peace

It ushers in freshness

It reflects sweetness

It shows another dimension of beauty.

So is the New Year 2021.

It’s a new year. It’s another privilege and opportunity to experience a newness; Yes, I mean newness in all aspects of our lives. This year is a year with a difference. It’s a new start and brings in a new slate to “write the vision and make it plain on tablets” (Habakkuk 2 verse 2).

This year 2021, you’ll reclaim the unfulfilled promises, you’ll break boundaries, you’ll march forward, you’ll reign and rule, and you’ll recover all that has been lost. Amen.

The New Year is indeed a gift, cherish it and use it wisely.

What are you trusting the Lord for this year, believe Him and you’ll see Him bring them to pass.

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21 verse 5).

by Christiana Oghogho Okafor

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8 thoughts on “The Gift of Newness”

  1. True! The word “new” brings hope! I believe in that. And indeed despite of the hardship we went through last year, we look at the new year with hope that God will make things new this 2021. By Faith! ?

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