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Show us the Father

bible study, christian living, christian growth, show us the Father, John chapter 14 verse 8 and 9, new testament, christian blogging, christian lifestyle blog, bible verses, afeme christiana, christiana afeme, christiana oghogho okafor, ndubuisi paul okafor, paul okafor, inspiring changes through written words, paulkristie blog, paul kristie, paulkristie blogspot,, paul kristie, #kristiepaul2020, We must learn to trust in Jesus and his word; by doing so, we discover that seeing the Father becomes a daily occurrence for us. You must act on what Jesus has told you through his word and you will see the Father in manifestation.
John 14 verse 8 (NKJV) – Philip said unto Him, Lord, show us the father, and it is sufficient for us. 
John 14 verse 9 (NKJV) – Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say,” Show us the Father”. 
Philip like many today already knows Jesus personally, but still wants Jesus to show them the Father. Meanwhile they already knew the Father by knowing Jesus because all that Jesus did was an expression of His father, moreover Jesus had declared unto them that “I and my Father are one”
Jesus had once asked his disciples “whom say ye that I am”. Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. Jesus responded to Peter that the revelation was not from man but from His Father in heaven; this showed clearly that they knew the Father and yet were ignorant of Him. Many today are being led of God, but they are still asking “show us the father”. They still need some signs or some form of physical manifestation. For some, they have the word of God spoken directly to them on daily basis but still wants to see the Father through a direct prophetic declaration from a Man of God. They believe such declarations more than the word of God. Jesus is the word of God. “He said have you been so long with me and yet you ask me to show you the Father?” If you stay long with the Word, you will see the Father. If you stay long with Jesus, you will see the Father.
In very specific areas, God leads his children to take specific actions. They sometimes feel such leadings are inadequate and need more confirmations, revelations, dreams, prophetic declarations, divinely arranged circumstances etc. This makes them to cry out from within, show us the Father (show us the farther, show us the further). It is important to note that there is nothing wrong in seeking more clarifications and confirmation on God’s directions and instructions. However, we must trust God by taking actions on the daily little leadings that He gives us. The Still Small Voice still whispers gently within – I am here, that is the way, that is what you should do.
We must learn to trust in Jesus and his word; by doing so, we discover that seeing the Father becomes a daily occurrence for us. You must act on what Jesus has told you through his word and you will see the Father in manifestation.
By Ndubuisi Paul Okafor
Photo Credit : Google
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