The grace of God is available to all men in every race, tribe and colour. The grace of God does not discriminate – it knows no social class, age, financial status, gender, or nationality. It is like the sun appearing and shinning on all the inhabitants of the earth. It is like the rain that showers on the earth without restriction. The grace of God has appeared unto all men.
Why then do people live a graceless life if the grace of God has appeared to all men?
Why do we have men and women that are passionate about living a sin-infested lifestyle?
The grace of God is like a voucher that if not activated can remain dormant for life, you may have the code to recharge your electricity but if you refuse to key in the code, you will remain in darkness; the same applies to the grace of God. Many people hear the word of God but refuse to appropriate the word to be saved. The evidence of the grace of God being activated in your life is that it gives you salvation.
The grace of God is a teacher. It is not grace that you have if it teaches you nothing. Grace removes ignorance from your life and gives you new understanding to live in the light. The grace of God doesn’t leave you in the same position it met you. The grace of God is made manifest in the following areas.
a. The grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust (Titus 2 vs 12).
Ungodliness is anything that will not glorify God. Grace helps you to live a life that is separate and distinct from those who have not appropriated the grace of God in their lives. Grace also helps you to understand what pleases and displeases God.
Worldly lusts on the other hand are the things the world crave for at all costs. It could be fashion, wealth, political power, and relevance at all costs. It is pertinent to note that grace helps us to redirect our priorities and redefines our purpose of existence from self-centered relevance to God-centered relevance.
b. The grace of God teaches us to be sober.
Grace impacts us with the humility of Christ who (being God) surrendered himself to be sacrificed for the salvation of humanity. When we look at ourselves through the lens of Christ, we see that whatever we are, have or can ever be is by the grace of God. Apostle Paul declared “By the grace of God, I am what I am” (I Corinthians 15 vs 10). When we have this reality, the garments of pride, arrogance, and self are suddenly torn off from us and then we put on a new garment of humility and sobriety.
c. The grace of God teaches us righteousness and holiness.
Without holiness no man shall see God (Hebrews 12 vs 14). Righteousness and holiness are the nature of God, without these we cannot dwell with him. Everything about God is enshrined in His holiness and righteousness. As He who has called us is Holy, we are also to be holy in all our conversations and lifestyles (I Peter 1 vs 15). His grace teaches us and empowers us to know what is always right. The grace of God is not a license to licentiousness, lackadaisical or laissez-faire living, rather it is a pathway to becoming more like our God. Grace opens a new dimension of becoming all that God has created us to be.
This present world (the world we live in) is filled with all forms of wickedness and evil; to conquer and live above the antics of the devil, we need the grace of God. To run the heavenly race and to successfully cross the finish line, we need the grace of God. The good news is that grace has appeared to you and me. Where sin reigns in abundance, the grace of God is much more in abundance (Romans 5 vs 20).
You need to come boldly to the throne of grace so that you can obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4 vs 16). If you have not yet experienced genuine salvation through Jesus Christ, please come boldly to God today; grace is available for your salvation. If you are saved and still struggling with overcoming sin, you can still come boldly to God today; grace is available for your stability. If you are saved and standing in the faith, you can also come boldly to God today; grace is available for your sustainability.
May the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all. AMEN.
Ndubuisi Paul Okafor
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Thank you!
This is wonderful. Great!
Thanks for reading Paul.
Good article.
Thank you
Hi Daniel, thank you for reading.