Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (Micah 6 vs 8)

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God’s Pleasure and Man’s Surrender

The purpose why God reveals Himself to us and in us is not for us to have a head knowledge and become an authority in theology, neither is it to make us professors in religious studies. He has revealed Himself that we may preach Him among the heathen, among those from whom the gospel has been hidden, and to the lost souls who daily die going straight into a Christ-less eternity.

Galatians 1 vs. 15-16 (NKJV)

15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, 16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood.

“But when it pleased God”

God takes pleasure in saving us from sins, sicknesses and satanic afflictions; “for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do his good pleasure”.

“who separated me from my mother’s womb”

This is reminding us that God is our creator. He formed us in our mother’s womb, fashioned us and then found a way out for us. This verse also lays a solid foundation about how God sees us, He sees us as distinct individuals. Even though we came to the world through a mother, we are different from our mothers. Our callings, destinies, visions and missions in life differs.

“and called me through His grace”

The call of salvation is a call of grace. The call to service also is the call of grace. No wonder Paul said, “by the grace of God, I am what I am”. Whatever we are in Christ today and whatever we can ever be is and will be through his grace.

“to reveal His Son in me

The old testament is often referred to as Christ concealed while the new testament is referred to as Christ revealed. When we receive the call of Christ; an old testament (the old lifestyle) comes to an end in our lives, and a new life begins in Christ. He begins to show us Himself. He reveals to us His deity, power, death, resurrection, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.

“that I might preach Him among the Gentiles”

The purpose why God reveals Himself to us and in us is not for us to have a head knowledge and become an authority in theology, neither is it to make us professors in religious studies. He has revealed Himself that we may preach Him among the heathen, among those from whom the gospel has been hidden, and to the lost souls who daily die going straight into a Christ-less eternity.

“I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood

Paul’s response to God’s call was immediate. He was not trying to rationalize how reputable such call will be. He was not trying to examine whether he will be accepted or rejected. He did not consider his stature nor his status but immediately took up the challenge. When God calls and instructs us on His word and in His will; we should not start by subjecting God’s word to a laboratory analysis neither do we need to carry out a ground-breaking research to do His revealed will. Once God has spoken, just do it.

By Ndubuisi Paul Okafor

Photo credit: google

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36 thoughts on “God’s Pleasure and Man’s Surrender”

  1. You are so right – not our will but God’s will! I think many of us can be so surprised at where God calls us and what He calls us to do in our lives. It can literally range from any job/career to any location or among people around whom we don’t feel comfortable. But He equips us for it all!

  2. Yes! We are always looking for direction, but often stand still when God calls. We need to learn to act because the Lord has a plan in which we are active participants. Thank you.

  3. Do you ever just skim over parts of the Bible again and again? I think I always have with this verse. That’s why I love how you broke it down step by step, forcing me to go through piece by piece. Thanks for writing God’s words <3

  4. Love this verse and how you magnified each sentence to glorify God and make them relational. Not just head knowledge but heart knowledge was how I was taught to receive God’s word. God bless you both in this ministry!

  5. The hidden Christ is revealed to us so that we may enjoy a new life. That is the essence and take away from this post. And, it is quite true that when we come to see Christ for who he truly is – as he reveals himself to us – we are then able to come unto Him and follow Him through our humility and surrender. Thank you for this simple message.

  6. I love the way you broke down the verses and explained each part. It really made me think about each section. It’s true, when God calls us to do something we need to do it, even when it might be challenging!

  7. I love the way you break down the verse and give more depth to each part. It’s so true that we are called to proclaim his glory. Not to simply increase our knowledge to make ourselves look good. Blessings!

  8. Your point is well taken. Jesus said it, I believe it, that settles it. Or rather Jesus said it, that settles it! Our job is to share the gospel. It’s a small price to pay for the blessed gift of eternal salvation. And I really don’t want to have the blood of my loved ones on my hands because I didn’t share the love of Christ with them. How horrible that they miss out on heaven and an eternal life with Jesus because I did not share his love with them. We need to get busy!

  9. Thank you for breaking down these verses like this and sharing truth today! I love how you said that God reveals Himself for the primary purpose of us knowing Him and making Him known to the world around us that is in desperate need of a Savior.

  10. Love the way you took this verse piece by piece. Lots of nuggets of wisdom but two resonated with me the most. The first, was the reminder that we have to remember what our purpose is—to share the gospel. The second was, “Once God has spoken, just do it.”

  11. Awesome Read! “When we receive the call of Christ; an old testament (the old lifestyle) comes to an end in our lives, and a new life begins in Christ.” – never saw it that way before.
    Thanks for sharing

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