Bible Verses on Waiting
The word “waiting” means the action of staying where one is or delaying action until an instruction is given. “Waiting” is not a strange word… Read More »Bible Verses on Waiting
Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (Micah 6 vs 8)
Paul Okafor is a lover of God, Author, Bible Study Teacher, Educator, Researcher and Agriculturist. He is a Christian Blogger and blogs @ www.paulkristie.com where he writes on excerpts from the scriptures, his personal experiences and musings to enable individuals have a deeper knowledge and understanding of God. He also has a passion for the youths and enjoys mentoring youths.
The word “waiting” means the action of staying where one is or delaying action until an instruction is given. “Waiting” is not a strange word… Read More »Bible Verses on Waiting
This post have been recalled and is currently published on Amazon Kindle as a Christian Fiction eBook. Click this link to access the eBook. Kindly visit my author… Read More »Where art thou?
Mark 10 vs. 1-27. When we refer to the phrase “With Men it is Impossible but not with God”; what quickly comes… Read More »No impossibility with God
1 Samuel 16 vs. 6 – 12 Samuel as a prophet who had walked with God, was a man of the Spirit.… Read More »Surely, the Lord’s anointed is before Him
Inspiring changes through written words